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US approves $2 billion in arms sales to Taiwan including advanced missile defense system CNN
20241028 11:41:03
See how experts monitor dangerous volcanoes CNN
20241028 11:41:03
Donald Trump returns to New York for a bombastic closing pitch Economist
20241028 11:40:59
How a night of fighting words upended the election CNN
20241028 11:41:03
Trump repeats numerous false claims at Madison Square Garden rally CNN
20241028 11:41:03
Beijing knife attack injures five, including three children, police say CNN
20241028 11:41:03
British lawmaker suspended after video shows him allegedly punching man in the street CNN
20241028 11:41:03
The Kamala Harris playbook has already worked in Britain. But the ‘Special Relationship’ is getting more complicated CNN
20241028 11:41:03
Bad Bunny shows support for Harris after comedian makes offensive comment about Puerto Rico at Trump rally CNN
20241028 11:41:03
Every year India and Pakistan choke on a thick, toxic smog. Here’s why CNN
20241028 11:41:03
Timothée Chalamet shows up at his own lookalike contest CNN
20241028 11:41:03
Woman survives snake bite during days lost in Australia’s Snowy Mountains CNN
20241028 11:41:03
Trump unveils the most extreme closing argument in modern presidential history CNN
20241028 11:41:03
GOP’s aggressive legal election strategy has more than 130 cases CNN
20241028 11:41:03
UN body: ‘Entire population’ of northern Gaza ‘at risk of dying’ CNN
20241028 11:41:03
Once illegal, this Japanese alcohol is making a comeback CNN
20241028 11:41:03
See moment Adele hugs Celine Dion at Las Vegas gig CNN
20241028 11:41:03
Trump’s social media company has tripled in value in five weeks CNN
20241028 11:41:03
Voters deliver a historic rebuke to Japan’s ruling coalition Economist
20241028 11:40:59
Harris campaigning in Michigan, while Trump is in Georgia CNN
20241028 11:41:03
Iraq accuses Israel of violating its airspace during attack on Iran CNN
20241028 11:41:03
UN Security Council to discuss Israeli attack on Iran VOA News
20241028 11:10:39
McDonald's Quarter Pounder returns after E. coli testing rules out beef VOA News
20241028 11:10:39
Uruguay election heading for second round, pension reform likely rejected VOA News
20241028 11:10:39
Ukraine says Russia used 100 drones in latest aerial attacks VOA News
20241028 11:10:39
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